At present, the use of tools for protection against intrusions in the perimeter of the network is essential. Enjoy secure technology with the best security solutions for your network.

What is convenient to have installed?

The use of each of the tools depends to a great extent on where the system is located, and the use made of it. Let’s be clear that they are complementary, you can interrelate the operation of each one. The firewall provides a first defense barrier against external threats, establishes when a connection between two computers through the Internet is not in accordance with the security policies established for the network environment, so it is necessary an IDS that monitors said network to detect when a system is performing a suspicious activity.

Although both are related to the security of the network, we explain how they differ

Intrusions in order to stop them from happening. Firewalls limit access between networks to prevent intrusion and do not signal an attack from inside the network.

Has taken place and signals an alarm, also watches for attacks that originate from within a system.

Network communications, identifying heuristics and patterns of common computer attacks, and taking action to alert operators.

Prevention is the best defense!

We help you to enjoy safely the technology and possibilities offered by the web.

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Save time and space by creating a virtual environment with this technology.


A cluster can be adapted to any need or requirement. It offers redundancy, so you have more disaster recovery options, all in a simple way to execute.

If you need to restart the server or update the software, you will nit suffer from downtime.

There are clusters with unique configurations designed with maximum availability, performance, and scalability for the benefit of your company.

Virtual machine clustering is an effective technique that ensures high availability of servers and the network. The virtual machine clusters are used in virtual machines which are installed at various services. Each virtual machine in a cluster is interconnected by a virtual network.
This works by enhancing the server utilization. Virtual machine clusters work by protecting the physical machine from any hardware and software failures. When a physical node fails, the virtual machine can access another node, with no time lag.
The process helps in fast deployment and effective scheduling. The virtual machine cluster makes use of virtual machines as nodes. The main motive behind a virtual machine cluster is to install multiple functionalities on the same server.
And thus, virtual machine clustering provides a dynamic backup of processes. It is therefore widely used in organizations where data is of great value, all thanks to its easy disaster recovery capabilities.

Server virtualization is a technology based on software that enables the execution of several operating systems, as guests, within a single host of the physical server. The virtual machines execute a virtual imitation of the server hardware. The virtualized environment is the most effective solution for data centers of any magnitude.

With virtualization, it decreases the number of physical servers, so you will have reduced hardware maintenance costs. Through this implementation of a server consolidation strategy, you can increase the efficiency of space utilization in your data center. Having each application within its own “virtual server” can prevent an application from impacting other applications when making improvements or changes.

You can develop a virtual server building rule that can be easily duplicated, which will speed up the implementation of the server. You can deploy multiple operating system technologies on a single hardware platform (ie, Windows Server 2003, Linux, Windows 2000 etc.)

Can you imagine all that processing power for your company?

We give you customized solutions for high availability, performance, and scalability with clusters and virtualization service that fits your needs and budget

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Reduce costs and guarantee the good private virtual network of your company. Protect your business using this type of software that provides additional encryption to your communications, allowing you to create secure connections with staff working remotely.

A virtual private network extends to a private network through a public network and allows users to send and receive data through shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. The applications that run on the VPN can, therefore, benefit from the functionality, security and administration of the private network.

A virtual private network extends to a private network through a public network and allows users to send and receive data through shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. The applications that run on the VPN can, therefore, benefit from the functionality, security and administration of the private network.

There are many measures to improve your defense on the Internet and one of the most important that any company can adopt is to  Investment in a VPN because it provides additional encryption to your communications, which allows you to create secure connections. 

Some aspects to take into account when investing in a virtual private network are: registry policies, security protocols, speed, bandwidth, and connections. We advise you to take advantage of all the benefits that can be offered to your business.

We help you choose the option that best suits your company

With VPN, you make it much more difficult for a hacker to access your company’s data when employees use unsecured connections or public Wi-Fi networks.

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Voice over IP has arrived to solve your telephone expense problem! You only need a device with audio and internet connection.

This VoIP call service is carried out through an IP address and this is the main difference it has with traditional telephony, which is transmitted through telephone cables. You only need a device with audio and internet connection to talk with customers Internet telephony, broadband telephony and broadband telephone service refer specifically to the provisioning of.

This VoIP call service is carried out through an IP address and this is the main difference it has with traditional telephony, which is transmitted through telephone cables. You only need a device with audio and internet connection to talk with customers Internet telephony, broadband telephony and broadband telephone service refer specifically to the provisioning of.



Do you want to start using all the advantages that VoIP offers you?

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A network monitoring system will keep your company safe imagine that the network stops working, your company stops providing services and your customers start to get upset and more if this happens repeatedly.

The monitoring tools are your company if the services are open 24 hours a day, ensuring that the networks are working 100% of the time and you do not have to be present.

Using monitoring tools you will be sure that your servers and services are working stable and in case of any warning or problems the system will inform you. The system sends you notifications by emails or SMS. About software or hardware defect such as temperature, disk space, memory, a down service, etc.

We help you choosing the right network monitoring tool and what needs to be monitoring for your company, to detect possible problems before the network crashes or falls.

We can go further and customize them for your business, so you can monitor everything you need exactly.

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